Kate Hartman Interiors is an interior designer in Vail Valley dedicated to creating beautiful and functional spaces. One area that needs the most functional attention is a child’s homework and play area. Before your child goes back to school in the fall, get inspired to make a space that sets them up for success.

Creating A Kids’ Area For Homework And Play

Kids benefit from structure and routine. Having a space that is designated for homework and free of distraction helps them focus and know that when they are in that area it is time to work. This area can also be used for play when appropriate, but it has the tools for them to finish their homework beforehand. If you have kids of various ages, it can still be set up to accommodate each of them.


Before you jump into building this space, you must plan and consider a few different factors. Create a list of must-haves and ideas before getting started. Consider:

  1. How many children do you have?
  2. Do they each have individual rooms with a space or are you creating a space for them in one room?
  3. What do they need? Do they need plugs for laptops, extra supplies, or extra reference sources for their studies?
  4. If you have multiple children, do they need dividers around their work area for added privacy and to prevent distracting each other?
  5. What aesthetic do you want? 

This can be a fun activity to involve the children and get them excited about their future focus area. Have them collaborate on what style they like and encourage them to get used to thinking ahead about what they might need.

 Wall Color

There is some evidence that color could boost creativity and concentration. The top two colors that have been shown to increase both concentration and innovation are greens and blues. They are both calming colors that reduce stress and keep people focused. Blue promotes communication, trust, and efficiency. Green promotes harmony and balance. There is a theory that since much of the earth is blue (water) and green (land) our bodies are naturally at home and more relaxed around these colors. Reducing stress by painting with these calming colors could help your children get more out of their designated areas. Consider painting the room this homework and play area is in with these colors.

Storage and Organization

Keeping this space organized with plenty of storage makes it easier to transition from homework to play. A cluttered desk is a cluttered mind, so make sure they have ample opportunity to store away papers, textbooks, laptops, and backpacks. This will keep them from losing any papers they’re meant to turn in and instill a routine for keeping organized. Have their play items stored where they’re easy to access once their homework is put away. If they love art, consider a board above the desk where they can display their art pieces and embrace their personality.

Kate Hartman Interiors Can Create Your Child’s Dream Homework and Play Area

Finding the perfect balance between focus and play can be challenging, especially if you have a child who is more reluctant to work. At Kate Hartman Interiors we understand how to create effective spaces that improve the flow of your life. Get in touch with us today and fill out our client questionnaire so we know how to best help you create this space for your child.

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